Promoting Brain Health Through Meditation: Effects on the Prefrontal Cortex, Cingulate Cortex, Hippocampus, and Amygdala

👉ストレートネック対策なら『整体枕』【Cure:Re THE MAKURA】



Meditation promotes mental and physical health, restoring balance to the mind and body. Using ancient meditation techniques, it helps people find inner peace and focus. Known widely as a symbol of tranquility and deep reflection, meditation is pursued by those seeking mental peace.

How to Meditate

  1. Set the environment: Choose a quiet and calming place.
  2. Take a comfortable posture: Sit with a straight back and relax.
  3. Focus on your breath: Take deep breaths and concentrate on your breathing.
  4. Calm your mind: Return your focus to your breath if thoughts arise.
  5. Decide the duration: Start with 5-10 minutes and gradually increase.
  6. Practice mindfulness: Focus on the present moment.
  7. End slowly: Open your eyes gently and slowly return to reality.

Effects of Meditation on the Brain

Dopamine of the Brain Harmony Cooperation Team

Many studies have been conducted on the effects of meditation on specific parts of the brain. It has been shown to activate various brain regions and improve their functions. Here, we explain the main parts of the brain affected by meditation.

Hippocampus: The Memory Keeper

Hippocampus was overworked, so meditation increased its volume and improved memory.

The hippocampus is involved in memory formation and emotional regulation, and is highly sensitive to stress. Meditation is said to increase the volume of the hippocampus, leading to improved memory and increased stress resistance.

Prefrontal Cortex: The Commander

The prefrontal cortex was stressed, so meditation helped regain calmness.

This region is involved in decision-making, planning, social behavior, and self-awareness. Meditation is known to enhance prefrontal cortex activity, improving emotional control and stress response.

Cingulate Cortex: The Coordinator

The cingulate cortex was fatigued under pressure, so meditation helped sustain focus again.

The cingulate cortex, particularly the anterior cingulate cortex, is crucial for maintaining attention and regulating emotions. Meditation activates this area, enhancing the ability to focus attention.

Amygdala: The Guardian

The amygdala was tense with anxiety and fear, so meditation helped regain calm.

The amygdala is associated with emotional reactions, particularly fear and anxiety. Meditation reduces amygdala activity, decreasing stress and anxiety responses.

The effects of meditation on these brain regions are believed to promote mental and physical health, leading to more balanced emotional responses and improved cognitive function. In this way, meditation goes beyond a relaxation technique, deeply impacting both brain structure and function, as supported by science.


To improve the efficiency of human activities, it is crucial to give the brain proper rest. By resting the brain, we can absorb new information, engage in various tasks, and make calm decisions. Watching TV or YouTube during breaks doesn't allow the brain to rest, so incorporate meditation for a true break.


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